CSCE Capstone
Student Site for Individual and Collaborative Activites
Team 11 – InventorME
Team Members:
- Floyd Brown
- Esteban Duran
- Anthony Lopez-Guerra
- Jaden Martin
- Luke Miller
- Benjamin Thedford
- Chase Zimmerman
Disorganization is a hard problem to solve that almost everyone faces. It can lead to people wasting time looking for lost items. If those lost items were properly organized, then the time spent looking for them could have been spent on something more productive or enjoyable. The objective of InventorME is to solve this problem with an application that helps to manage personal items. Furthermore, the objective is not only to solve this problem, but to prevent the disorganization from occurring in the first place.
The approach of InventorME is to have an inventory application that is accessible and flexible to the user. Its focus on flexibility is based around its ability to allow the user customization. In the case of accessibility, it is cross-platformed: the user can access it from any device, anywhere, at any time. To put it simply, the application emphasizes ease of use. The significance of InventorME is that by solving this problem, the user can be more organized. Depending on the user, InventorME can help them get their life back, and can aid them in their personal pursuits, and personal happiness.
Final Proposal Video:
Final Proposal Slides:
Update Presentation Slides:
Final Project:
Presentation Slides:
Trello (Detailed Task Breakdown):
Overall Task Schedule:
- Understand the problem/objective [01/11-01/12] (COMPLETED)
- Implement database tables [01/13-01/20] (COMPLETED)
- Create sign in page (web/mobile) (COMPLETED)
- Create create account page (web/mobile) (COMPLETED)
- Create hamburger menu, route to pages (Collections, Folder, Archive, Stats)[01/26-02/08](COMPLETED)
- Create Profile Page(COMPLETED)
- Implement the http requests for the db (GET, POST, PUT, etc)(COMPLETED)
- Create home page (web/mobile)[02/09-02/16](COMPLETED)
- Implement sign-in functionality (routes to home page/stores a session key) (COMPLETED)
- Implement display cards of items in the database [02/17-02/14](COMPLETED)
- Create form page for adding/modifying an entry (web/mobile)(routing from homepage)[02/15-02/22](COMPLETED)
- Implement form functionality (submits to database/editing an entry populates the form)[02/23-03/13](COMPLETED)
- Implement notifications/toast messages (web/mobile)[03/14-03/28](COMPLETED)
- Implement Folders and Archive page(COMPLETED)
- Implement Collections and Stats page(COMPLETED)
- Implement archive and delete functionality for the entries(COMPLETED)
- Implement search functionality by title, tags, or phrases[03/29-04/05](COMPLETED)
- Implement picture upload / scan functionality (COMPLETED)
- Test database[04/06-04/16](COMPLETED)
- Test sign in, search, hamburger menu pages, form interactions(COMPLETED)
- Deploy the apps(COMPLETED)
- Document any bugs [04/17-04/30](COMPLETED)
Future Work:
- Refine Quirks | Squash Bugs
- Web to Scale Better to Mobile
- Mobile to Scale Better to Larger Devices
- Photo library Image Upload On Mobile
- Improve Efficiency
- Data Caching
- Improve Latency
- Allow Custom Attributes
- Integration with Marketplace or Insurance Apps
- Privacy
- Data Encrypted On AWS