CSCE Capstone

Student Site for Individual and Collaborative Activities

CSCE Capstone

Student Site for Individual and Collaborative Activites

Team 15 – Deep Learning Handwriting Recognition

Team Members:

Baron Davis
Creighton Young
Micheal Oyenekan
William Farris

Project Summary:

The problem to solve is to improve an open-source handwriting recognition model. The overall objective is to improve the already 75% accuracy to a 90% accuracy with several avenues to continue forward. As time goes on, scanning documents for information will get increasingly more important as copying or translating written information to a machine-readable state takes time and money to do. For this reason, it is important for a program to exist that scans documents for letters and words and converts them to a far more readable and easy-to-store state for computers so that chronicling information is faster for people who need to record information but cannot bring devices with them to do so. ​


For more information, please contact

Nathaniel Zinda at

 Rishi Dhaka at

Project Proposal:

Team 15 – Final Proposal

Project Proposal Slide:

Team 15 – Final Proposal Slide

Project Timeline:

View project and schedules

Project Final Report:

 Final Report

Project Final Presentation Slides:

 Final Presentation Slides

Project Poster:


Project Deliverable:

Team Github Repository


Members Page