CSCE Capstone

Student Site for Individual and Collaborative Activities

CSCE Capstone

Student Site for Individual and Collaborative Activites

Team 6 – Rezerve


Team Members:


Tyler Gerth

Brayden Alvarez

Landry Ishimwe Karangwa

Dalynn Hatch

Colton Tucker

Rylan McAlister


Project Summary:


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many smaller barbershops and salons were hurt tremendously due to restrictions preventing customers from doing in-person business with them. This caused some of these shops to go out of business entirely and caused others great financial loss. Our application, Rezerve, aims to solve the problem of these barbershops reopening and trying to regain customers in a post-pandemic society. We will do this by partnering with these businesses and creating a hub in which customers can search their local area for barbershops and salons.


Since barbershops and salons are some of the most personal of customer service businesses, we want to capitalize on that by creating a web application that allows customers to find and make relationships with the specific people working at these businesses rather than just seeing a business name. Rather than simply being an appointment-making service for the business, Rezerve aims to allow customers to browse various barbershops and salons and see and learn about the people working there. That way, when a customer shows up for an appointment, it isn’t a brand new experience, but instead already somewhat familiar. Creating these meaningful relationships will allow customers to put a name to the face of the person cutting their hair and make them more likely to want to return in the future or recommend the environment of the shop to a friend, thus creating more business.



 Project Final Proposal 

Project Final Proposal Slides 

Project Final Proposal Presentation 

Software Justification Document 

API Document

Software Design Document

Final Presentation Slides

Final Report

Project Poster

Deployed Website





Fall Task List:

  • Read documentation on the React framework and how it works (all members)
  • Set up example React project to understand the flow of the React framework (all members)
  • Design of the Business Info page
    • Create the HTML layout of the page
      • Needs to be able to see information about the business, such as name, contact info, address, and workers
    • Load mock data into the page
    • Connect the Business Info page to the rest of the application
  • Design of the Customer Appointments page within the dashboard
    • Create the HTML layout of the page
      • Need to be able to see past and future appointments a customer has scheduled with a business, including name of business, date time, and cost
    • Load mock data into the page 
    • Connect Customer Appointments page to the rest of the application
  • Creation of a Firebase project and connection of it to our React project
    • Create a project in Firebase for the application and add the necessary library configurations to connect our application to its API
  • Creation of a NoSql Firestore database within Firebase
    • Create a database within Firebase that will contain all the customer and business data for our application
    • Load mock data into the database
    • Connect the database to our application so the mock data can be pulled in
  • Design of the Payments checkout page
    • Create the HTML layout of the page
      • Use Stripe API to take care of payments
      • Need a customer to be able to enter their card information and other needed Stripe components so they can schedule appointments
    • Verify that the checkout page successfully links to Stripe
    • Connect the Payments checkout page to the rest of the application
  • Design nearby businesses page
    • Create HTML layout of page
      • Using Google Maps API to handle location tracking
      • Ability to search for business based off user address and built in location services
    • Set up appointments by clicking on a marker placed on business’s location


Spring Task List:

    • Creation of the Employee Home Page
      • This page servse as the homepage for Employees when they login to the application
      • This page includes a toolbar with the following tabs: 
        • Home – This tab contains all of the basic information for the employee to see/edit, their availability, which can be set, and the ability to add/remove offered services 
        • Appointments – This tab contains two-part approach to displaying the schedule and appointment information for the employee. The first part will be a list view of their appointments, and the second will be a more detailed calendar view of their entire day.
          • Appointments show as upcoming, requested, cancelled, and past, with the employee being able to accept or deny requested appointments, or cancel upcoming. Employees can also use this screen to message customers
        • ClientsThis tab contains a compiled list of the employees clients, with a number indicating how many times they have visited. The list also includes the ability to message one or multiple of the clients
        • PerformanceThis tab contains an assortment of performance statistics such as their sales, profile popularity, and ratings/reviews.   
    • Creation of Home Page

      This page serves as the default page when the user access the web app and also gets displayed when the customer login to the web app

    • Creation of Login and Sign In pages

      These pages allow the user to log in with their accounts and provide them with the option to reset their passwords.

    • Creation of Sign Up pages
      • These pages allow the customers, employees and business owners to create accounts on the website to have more access.
        • The employee signup allows the employees to create an account and link it to the salons. 
        • The customer signup provides the customer with more access to the website; access like making reservations, rating barbers, and barbershops.
    • Redesign of the Business Info Page
      • This page serves as the screen that clients interact with when trying to select the barbershop/salon that they want to make an appointment with
      • It shows the location of the establishment, a description of the business, and a list of the employees
      • We remade this screen from the Fall in order to have a more consistent style and feel across the application
    • Creation of the Book Appointment Page
      • This page allows customers to select an employee at a business and book an appointment with them (embedded within the Business Info page)
      • It displays information about the employee’s services and availability
      • User can select employee, service, and date and see available appointment times on that day (taking into account employee’s schedule and working hours)
      • Can also choose to find first available appointment for a specific employee and service
    • Creation of the Business Performance Page
      • This page allows shop owners to view metrics about their business, such as profits, number of abandoned carts, and overall business rating
      • It is only accessible by the business owner
      • This page will filter the data based on a time period that is selected by the owner and contains the options (Day, Week, Month, Year)
    • Redesign Backend
      • This task was over reworking our Firestore database to be more efficient and without duplicated data
        • This was done by building out a DB schema, replacing the existing schema with it, and then adding data into the new schema
      • This task also involved enabling Authentication for the application so users could start making accounts and moving through the application flow
        • Authentication should be persistent until the user chooses to log out, so a user could close the browser and open it back up without being logged out
    • Creation of the Employee Accounts Page
      • This page will be accessible by employees of businesses
      • This will allow employees to set their appointments, take payments for the business, as well as have a to-do list of what they need to get done (such as things like getting new equipment, learning new styles, etc.)
    • Creation of the Employee Services Page
      • This page is part of the Employee Home Page
      • Shows information about the specific services an employee offers (since different employees specialize in different things), a description of those services, and the price of the service
    • Creation of the Business Search Page
      • Allows a user to search for a location via Google Maps API and find all businesses in our database within a 50 mile radius of that spot
      • Uses geolocations to create a bounding box within which to search
      • Displays all the businesses, with links to take the customer to their Business Info page
    • Creation of Customer Rating and Review Page
      • This page is accessible by customers and is contained within the customer’s Business Info page
      • This will allow customers to rate and review the shops they have been to
      • These ratings/reviews will be posted on the businesses page so others can see them
      • Ratings/Reviews will be stored in a DB to be pulled in when people view the list of businesses
      • Guests without an account cannot create a review
    • Account Registration Flow
      • This includes the implementation of the flow for Customers and Businesses to sign up and create accounts on the website
      • The first half is the ability to create user accounts which we are using Firebase authentication to manage, and the second part is creating business accounts which employees are tied to
    • Messaging Between Employees and Customers
      • Accessible by both
      • Allows the two parties to send direct messages to each other regarding appointments or general questions
      • Can be accessed via a Messaging tab in the Sidebar or from the Appointments page
    • Stripe Integration
      • Accessible by customers to allow for payment of bookings/appointments
      • Server created to handle talking with the application and Stripe API
      • Allow splitting up payments to direct money to the businesses, stripe, and us.
    • Creation of the Forum Page
      • Used to allow customers to directly interact and message with each other
      • Allows customers to talk about different businesses they’ve visited
      • Deprecated from Project Proposal due to losing members and being unable to complete – Customer/Employee Messaging still in place
  • Deploy the Application via Heroku
    • We set up a Heroku account for the application and did the configuration in order to hook our Github repository to Heroku
    • Deployed the application and started load testing it to make sure it can handle multiple users accessing it at once
  • Testing
    • We continuously tested our application throughout the development process to make sure that later changes aren’t breaking earlier ones

     Current Timeline:

    Fall Tasks:

    • Week 1 (10/19 – 10/25)
      • Everyone
      • Everyone
      • Tyler Gerth and Landry Ishimwe Karangwa
      • Read documentation on React and how it works
      • Set up example React projects to understand the flow
      • Design of the Business Info page
    • Week 2 (10/26 – 11/1)
      • Everyone
      • Tyler Gerth
      • Creation of the Firebase project and connection of it to the React project
      • Creation of the Firestore Database
    • Week 3 (11/2 – 11/15)
      • Design of the Payments Checkout page
      • Design of the Nearby Business page


    Spring Tasks

    • Sprint 1 (01/11 – 01/24)
        • Redesign Business Info Page
          • Tyler Gerth
        • Create Book Appointments Page
          • Dalynn Hatch, Brayden Alvarez
        • Create Employee Home Page – Home Tab
          • Colton Tucker, Rylan McAlister
        • Create Business SignUp and Business Account info
          • Landry Emery Ishimwe Karangwa
    • Sprint 2 (01/25 – 02/07)
        • Updating the Project to use Typescript, Redux
          • Tyler Gerth, Dalynn Hatch, Colton Tucker, Rylan McAlister
        • Building out Dev Rules to Follow
          • Everyone
        • Create Employee Performance Page
          • Display reviews, abandoned carts, and star rating
            • Tyler Gerth
          • Dalynn Hatch
          • Brayden Alvarez
        • Employee Home Page
          • Colton Tucker – Clients Tab
          • Rylan McAlister – Appointments/Calendar Tab
          • Tyler Gerth – Performance Tab
        • Updated Business Sign-Up and Business Account info to Material UI
          • Landry Emery Ishimwe Karangwa
    • Sprint 3 (02/08 – 02/21)
      • Redesign Backend – Tyler Gerth and Rylan McAlister
      • Business Home Page
        • Menu bar, AppBar and linking necessary components to Business Home Page
          • Landry Emery Ishimwe Karangwa
      • Project-Wide Styling Updates – Colton Tucker
      • Initial Deployment to Heroku – Colton Tucker
    • Sprint 4 (2/22 – 3/7)
      • Google Maps Business Search – Tyler Gerth
      • User login Page – Landry Emery Ishimwe Karangwa
    • Sprint 5 (3/8 – 3/21)
      • Appointment Availability and Booking – Tyler Gerth
      • Reset account page – Landry Emery Ishimwe Karangwa 
    • Spring 6 (3/22 – 4/4)
      • Appointment Statuses (Requesting, Accepting, Cancelling) – Tyler Gerth
      • Viewing Existing and Upcoming Appointments – Tyler Gerth
      • Editing of Employee Data – Tyler Gerth
      • User Logout – Tyler Gerth
      • Stripe Integration – Rylan McAlister
      • Add Review Functionality – Dalynn Hatch, Brayden Alvarez
      • Styling update on login Page, account reset Page, and sign up page
        • Landry Emery Ishimwe Karangwa
    • Sprint 7 (4/5 – 4/18)
      • User Messaging (Between Customer and Employee) – Tyler Gerth
      • Persistent User Sessions – Tyler Gerth
      • Creation of ‘First Available Appointment’ functionality within the Book Appointment page – Tyler Gerth
      • Addition of Employee Services to Employee Home – Tyler Gerth
      • Request the user’s current position on Home Page – Landry Emery Ishimwe Karangwa
      • Display businesses using Google Maps – Landry Emery Ishimwe Karangwa
      • Stripe Integration – Rylan McAlister
      • Business Performance Functionality – Dalynn Hatch
      • Business Rating Bugs – Dalynn Hatch, Brayden Alvarez