CSCE Capstone

Student Site for Individual and Collaborative Activities

CSCE Capstone

Student Site for Individual and Collaborative Activites

 Team 3 – Automated Greenhouse

Team Members:

Nathan Barlass

Lauren Jackson

Scott Jackson

Zachary Tyler


Plants and gardening have become a large part of many peoples lives and a popular hobby,  and increased in popularity even more during the pandemic. With people starting to get back to their normal routines, this project will allow people to take the same care of their plants but use less of their time. This greenhouse will increase the chance of plants surviving with minimal care and encapsulates the idea of sustainable farming on a smaller scale. This could become critical with the climate crisis and allow for accessibility of food to more people. 

This automated greenhouse is controlled directly through a Raspberry Pi and some sensors are used to detect moisture, temperature, and sunlight levels. The data from the sensors are displayed through a mobile app by a database and the user is able to interact with the greenhouse remotely. 

Project Proposal:

Link to Project Proposal

Project Proposal Slides

Task List/Schedule:

 Trello Board

Final Product:

Link to Final Report

Final Presentation Slides


Project Poster