CSCE Capstone
Student Site for Individual and Collaborative Activites
Team 14 – Automatic Drone Tracking
Team Members:
Andre Fuentes
Byron Denham
Corbett Stephens
Parker Weber
Zachery Gansz
The aim of this project is to bring facial tracking technology to drones. This will be accomplished by the development of a computer vision algorithm for facial detection that will interface with and control the drone. The drone’s camera will communicate with a Haar cascade object detection model to gather information about the presence and location of a human face and make decisions about how the drone should be maneuvered to locate and track the face. The development of the technology in this project will have benefits for surveillance, tracking, and the film industry.
Project Proposal:
Team 14- Final Proposal Report
Project Proposal Slides:
Team 14- Final Proposal Slides
Task List and Schedule:
Final Report:
Final Presentation Slides:
Team 14- Final Presentation Slides