CSCE Capstone
Student Site for Individual and Collaborative Activites
Team 7 – Room Scheduler
Team Members:
The University of Arkansas Data Science Program would like a solution that will allow Data Science students to reserve rooms in the new Champions Hall common space. Having a common space solely for the Data Science Program fosters a sense of community and collaboration amongst the department’s students, so it is important that this space be efficiently used. The capstone team will provide a solution by building a web application in Python, which students can use to reserve rooms for maximum usage efficiency, and it is an opportunity for Data Science students to be involved in the application’s future development and maintenance.
Schedule (Fall)
Tasks | Dates |
Background research and preliminary project planning
09/15 – 10/15 |
Final project planning
10/15 – 12/15 |
Schedule (Spring)
Tasks | Dates |
Sprint 1
01/17 – 01/31 |
Sprint 2
02/01 – 02/14 |
Sprint 3
02/15 – 02/28 |
Sprint 4
03/01 – 03/14 |
Sprint 5
03/15 – 04/04 |
New Function Freeze
04/05 – 04/18 |
Code Freeze
04/19 – 04/27 |