CSCE Capstone

Student Site for Individual and Collaborative Activities

CSCE Capstone

Student Site for Individual and Collaborative Activites

Nathaniel Fredricks


Fredricks is a senior Computer Engineering major in the Computer Science and Computer Engineering Department at the University of Arkansas. He has worked two summers as a web development intern at J.B. Hunt and one summer as a custom development intern at Affirma that. He has conducted research related to computer architecture and array processors. Fredricks will be responsible for developing software for MSP430 to raise/lower gates and communication between the back end and gates.

Skills and Programming Technologies

Development: C, C++, C#, Python, Verilog, Git, Kotlin

Programming: Object Oriented Programming, FPGA Development

Tools: ModelSim, Vivado, Xilinx SDK, Git CLI, Synopsys PrimeTime