CSCE Capstone
Student Site for Individual and Collaborative Activites
Team 1 – Ozark Creek Gauges
The Arkansas Canoe Club has a web page that informs boaters about current water levels for most of the floatable streams in the Ozarks and Ouachita mountains. This data is derived from the United States Geological Survey stream gauges. This information allows boaters to see streams that are at optimal levels, which are too low and which are too high on a given day. This is a highly used site for paddlers in and around Arkansas, but this website has not been updated in approximately 20 years, which means that the readability and overall user experience are poor. We have also noticed that certain rivers are not updated often, so the statuses of particular rivers can be inaccurate.
For this project, we aim to update the website to allow for more easily understood information and an overall better user experience. To do this, we will use the existing code that is written in Perl and use Python to create new functionality that allows users to add their own streams to the program. We will also have a function to monitor user inputs which will combine streamlines, the path of a river, that are currently in the site, with streamlines that the users input. Not only do we want to update the look of the website, but we also want to add a prediction function to estimate which creeks are elevating during rainfall. With these changes, we seek to better inform paddlers of streams that are not or soon will not be in suitable conditions for paddling. We feel these changes could help prevent injury or even death.
Tasks | Dates | Assigned To | Completed? |
1. Research | 11/16-11/30 | ALL | ✓ |
2. Final Report/Team Website | 11/16-12/10 | ALL | ✓ |
3. Retrieve and review source code | 1/13-1/22 | ALL | ✓ |
4. Redesign Website Using Template | 1/23-2/9 | ALL | ✓ |
5. Gather Table Info and Key Creation | 2/10-2/23 | ALL | ✓ |
6. Scraping | 2/23-3/9 | DD | ✓ |
7. Sorting/Popups | 3/10-3/19 | MC, MM | ✓ |
8. Design Mapbox Style | 3/19-3/31 | DD | ✓ |
9. Draw Stream Polygons | 4/1-4/13 | ALL | ✓ |
10. Integrate Mapbox | 4/14/-4/17 | DD, KA | ✓ |
11. About Page/Submission Forms | 4/18-4/19 | KA, KH | ✓ |
12. Host Website | 4/20-4/21 | ALL | ✓ |
13. Final Presentation/Documentation | 4/22-4/29 | ALL | ✓ |
Proposal Documentation
Final Documentation
Future Work
Tasks |
1. Allow users to physically draw rivers onto our map |
2. Allow user-specific customization of the table |
3. Allow users to submit their pictures of a river |