CSCE Capstone

Student Site for Individual and Collaborative Activities

CSCE Capstone

Student Site for Individual and Collaborative Activites

Floyd Brown


Brown is a senior Computer Science major, within the Computer Science and Computer Engineering Department at the University of Arkansas. Several of his skills include an understanding of computer networks, programming languages such as python, java, C++, and a decent understanding of data structures and algorithms. Brown also has experience using specialized applications, such as network sniffers (Wireshark). In general. Brown’s skill-set is centered around computer networks and basic web development. Brown also has a wide variety of interests, such as hunting, motorcycling, and cooking. He also has a deep affection for coffee. He has completed a wide variety of classes at the University of Arkansas, including: Programming Paradigms, Software Engineering, Algorithms, Formal Languages and Computability, Computer Networks, Cryptography, Artificial Intelligence, and Computer Organization. Brown also interned for the United States Department of Defense in the summer of 2019. He primarily worked on the web application for InventorME, which entailed using tools such as Javascript, HTML, and CSS. He developed several major components using these tools to complete InventorME.