CSCE Capstone
Student Site for Individual and Collaborative Activites

Have you ever been in a situation where you don’t know how much you are spending a month? We are going to solve this problem. For this capstone project, our group is creating a mobile application to help organize your receipts to track what you spend. Take a photo of the receipt to help you organize your household items in the application. Also, the app will suggest simple recipes for what to make with the items you currently have.
The objective of this mobile app is to help people save time and stress when it comes tracking how much you spend a month. By having all your receipts, you won’t have to worry about how much you spent. Many people have to worry about having a budget for groceries, and this app will help ease that stress level. This project is significant because it will help people be less stressed out about money and allows people to have one more asset available to help them keep track of their money.
Team Members

Michael Panis

Dilendra Khanal

Ailin Zhang

Jaei Ryu

Hwajin Jeon

Fred Shumbusho
Task list and schedule
Sprint 1 (11/25/2020 - 12/5/2020) [Completed]
- Background Analysis. (All members)
- Develop Final Proposal. (All members)
Sprint 2 (1/11/2021 - 1/24/2021) [Completed]
- Set up team environment (All members)
- Develop Database Schema (Fred, Michael)
- Get familiar with using Firebase (All members)
Sprint 3 (1/25/2021 - 2/7/2021) [Completed]
- Develop a cloud-hosted NoSQL database that lets you store and sync data between your users in real-time, Firebase Realtime Database. (Fred, Michael)
- Implement functionality to recognize text in a receipt image using API of the ML kit in Firebase and display the converted text. (Jaei, Hwajin)
- Develop Main menu page. (Ailin)
- Sign-in page connection to back-end. (Dilendra, Ailin)
Sprint 4 (2/8/2021 - 2/21/2021) [Completed]
- Document database schema, tables, and API to interact with and update the database. (Fred, Michael)
- Develop a cooking recipe recommendation function. (Jaei, Hwajin)
- Implement functionality that allows user to import pictures from the gallery. (Jaei, Hwajin)
- Implement functionalities that allow user to select dates in the Expiration Date field and to save items and expiration dates. (Jaei, Hwajin)
- Sign-in page UI design (Dilendra)
- Main menu page UI implementation (Ailin)
Sprint 5 (2/22/2021 - 3/7/2021) [Completed]
- Implement display grocery items with expiration dates in the database. (Jaei, Hwajin)Â
- Implement functionality that deletes items from the database. (Jaei, Hwajin)
- Create a sign-in page and implement sign-in functionality. (Dilendra)
- Implement function to store receipt images in the database. (Fred, Michael)
Sprint 6 (3/8/2021 - 3/21/2021) [Completed]
- Implement receipt image display function. (Fred, Michael)
- Add Notification switch on setting page. (Jaei, Hwajin)
- Develop notification about expiration dates on food from available data. (Jaei, Hwajin)
Sprint 7 (3/22/2021 - 4/4/2021) [Completed]
- Continue to implement receipt image display function. (Fred, Michael)
- Continue to develop notification about expiration dates on food from available data. (Jaei, Hwajin)
- Continue sign-in page and implement sign-in functionality. (Dilendra)
Sprint 8 (4/5/2021 - 4/18/2021) [Completed]
- Implement functionality that adds colors on expiration dates on MyFood page. (Jaei, Hwajin)
- App UX & UI design and implementation. (Ailin, Dilendra)
- Testing. (All members)
Sprint 9 (4/19/2021 - 4/29/2021) [Completed]
- Document- Final report and Poster (All members)
Future Work
- Develop grocery spending analysis function.