CSCE Capstone

Student Site for Individual and Collaborative Activities

CSCE Capstone

Student Site for Individual and Collaborative Activites

Team 12 – Image Ranker

Team Members:

Sang Woo Han
Grant Elliott
Gustavo Garcia
Jackson Pierce
Canyon Bridges


Within the medical field, it is not uncommon for patients to have to revisit imaging centers to get a rescan due to poor quality imaging. The main cause of this issue is the differing perspectives on what constitutes a high-quality image. Medical images are taken by radiology technicians who give the images to a physician or specialist. The radiology technician does not know if the quality of the picture is clear enough for the physician until the technician shows the physician. The goal of our image ranking website is to train radiology technicians to recognize good quality radiology scans so that patients only need to come in one time.


The image ranking database is a web-based image quality ranking site which will allow medical professionals to grade the quality of diagnostic images. The radiology technician will then be able to grade the quality of the same diagnostic image and compare his grade with the grade of the medical professional. This will be created using a web-based front end with a database backend to store images, and the corresponding quality, as ranked by a medical professional.


Project Proposal:

Click here to view the project proposal

Project Proposal Slides:

Click here to view the project proposal slides

Project Timeline:

Click here to view the Trello board with our progress

Final Report:

Click here to view the final report

Final presentation:

Click here to view the final presentation slides


Click here to navigate to our server side code
Click here to navigate to our client side code with a readme

Capstone Poster:

Click here to see our poster


 Click here to see the login page of our website