CSCE Capstone
Student Site for Individual and Collaborative Activites
Team 6 – MAGIC Toolkit and Application
Team Members:
Project Description:
Among the growing population of older adults there is a lack of reliable, familiar transportation services to get them to the grocery store, medical appointments, etc. in order to meet their primary needs and even for non–essential tasks such as recreational activities or meeting with friends and family. This could lead these older adults to seek unfamiliar and confusing transportation services. The main objective is to build a mobile application with a toolkit that will assist the elderly in locating appropriate, safe, and reliable transportation services in the area, as well as scheduling a ride if a personal driver is available. After this, the next–most important aspect will be designing the application to be as user–friendly as possible to accommodate the elderly. To build this easy–to–use mobile application, we will be using HTML, CSSS, React Native, Python/Django, and PostgreSQL for most of this project’s needs.
Meeting Attendance:
Project Documentation:
Spring 2022 Final Presentation
Source code and documentation:
ReactNative frontend application