CSCE Capstone

Student Site for Individual and Collaborative Activities

CSCE Capstone

Student Site for Individual and Collaborative Activites

Team 9 – Walmart Tech Bar Scheduler

Team Members:

Joe Tam

Ben Hodges

Austin Dixon

Cole Alvarado

Project Description:

Walmart’s currently designed IT (Information Technology) portal named “MyTech” is great for solving technology issues small enough to be done through instructions online. However, there are times when issues arise that are so complicated that an expert in the field must inspect the hardware physically. To solve this problem Walmart has implemented “Tech Bars” in many locations at which associates can bring their hardware with issues and tech support technicians can fix those issues. Our aim is to improve their Tech Bars by creating an end-to-end Tech Bar scheduler Web Application for Walmart associates and tech support technicians. This will allow associates to get into a queue at a Tech Bar location of their choosing and allow tech support technicians to remove associates from the queue when a resolution is reached.  

Our approach to this is creating a web application that allows associates to sign in, find the nearest Tech Bar to their location, join the queue at that location, and see when they will be able to be helped by an IT professional at that Tech Bar. Technicians will be able to sign in, edit the Tech Bar locations, operating hours, current status, as well as the current cue with the ability to add or remove associates. This web application has a large significance because it will improve the efficiency of Walmart’s Tech Bars. By allowing online check-in, associates will know where they are in the queue and can thereupon know when to arrive at their chosen tech bar. This will alleviate the problem of a physically backed up line at a tech bar’s location and save the time of both technicians and associates.  

Project Proposal:


Project Proposal Presentation:


Task List:
  1. Work with our Walmart sponsors to review the requirements of the project and revise them until we have a full understanding of what we need to implement, and they understand what to expect from us. 
  2.  Prepare a project plan similar to this proposal but specifically for our Walmart sponsors based on their guidelines.  
  3. Design a Wireframe mockup for the Associate’s view of the system. 
  4. Design a Wireframe mockup for the Technician’s view of the system including the login screen. 
  5. Create the database backend 
  6. Create the web application frontend 
  7. Verify Ruby seeds relational database backend with frontend inputs. 
  8. Final testing 
  9. Write source code documentation and user guide 
  10. Final Deliverable 
Task schedule/ Attendance:

Trello Link

Final Presentation Slides


Final Report


Final Poster


Final Deliverable 
