CSCE Capstone

Student Site for Individual and Collaborative Activities

CSCE Capstone

Student Site for Individual and Collaborative Activites

Team 11 – Predictive Planning

Team Members:

Kyle Orman 

George Romano

Abigail Tee 

Joshua Thornburgh

Margaret Turner


The goal for our project is to create an automatic reordering system that can predict what items a store needs before they need it. In doing so we can aim to reduce waiting times for needed equipment and cutting costs by avoiding costly shipping fees.


Dipika Mohapatra

Description Team Members Begin End Status
Design Involves details pertaining to looks and flow of the site. Maggie, George, Abigail 6-Feb 14-Feb Complete
Integrate with Heroku to github Connect github root directory to heroku to have a working build. George 7-Feb 15-Feb Complete
Code Coding the design. Maggie, George, Abigail 17-Feb 24-Feb Complete
Subtask – Route Heroku George, Maggie 15-Feb Complete
Launch Launching the webpage to a hosting service. This may be heroku or something like it. Maggie, George, Abigail 22-Feb 28-Feb Complete
Rest of tasks in completed
Design Find out what is needed and what is not needed. From there, draw what the relationships will be. Josh 18-Jan 23-Jan Complete
Implement Create the DB and insert the given data. Update: We will be creating our own data. Josh 24-Jan 16-Feb Deferred
Testing Testing integration with the webpage. Possible connection to the ML module. Josh 1-Mar 8-Mar Deferred
Trim There may be data we do not need. May require a rework of the tables. Josh 9-Mar 15-Mar Deferred
Machine Learning
Research What make a good model. What libraries exist for us to utilize. Kyle 2-Feb 25-Feb Complete
Implement Begin writing the code that will process the data from the DB. Dummy data can be used in early versions to see how it works. Kyle 1-Mar 15-Mar Complete
Test Testing of the data for early validation. Kyle 28-Mar 4-Apr Complete
Tweak Any changes that need to made can be done so here. Kyle 5-Apr 13-Apr Complete
Data Generator
Early model Generates data based on a range of values. Josh 15-Feb 22-Feb Complete
Simulate daily flow Simulate the daily “flow” of a store. Give estimates for item use, shipping times, etc. and have the model order based on how often an item is used. Josh, Maggie 22-Feb 2-Mar Complete
Add weather to model Adding weather to better simulate natural chaos to customer flow. Maggie Mar-3 Mar-10 Complete
Export to Excel Adding functionality to export to excel for ML use. Josh Mar-3 Mar-10 Complete
Additional Chaos More variability that holidays or weather does not affect. (Shipping delays, flash sale, etc) Maggie Mar-10 Mar-17 Deferred
Graphical User Interface Allow the user to input certain attributes to influence data gen Josh Mar-28 Apr-4 Deferred
Data Gen & ML Merge
Pipeline Automatic transfer of generated data to the machine learning model Josh and Kyle Apr-15 Apr-20 Complete
Cleaning Cleaning up code and comments Josh and Kyle Apr-20 Apr-22 Complete
Website Maggie, George, Abigail
Database Josh, Maggie Not in use
ML Kyle Complte
Data Generator Josh Apr-23 In Complete

Week 1: All present. Discussed class website and having to push back our schedule for design, how we will host our DB and actual front end, and how our data will be generated.

  • Week 4: All present. DB is running and we are able to insert data into tables from anywhere with an internet connection.
    A small python program was created to bring data over from excel to expedite the process.
    Frontend – Working on frontend mock up for group. Meeting with frontend 2/8 to go over layout and start code.
    ML – Currently narrowing down machine learning implementation using tensorflow by referencing similar real world examples found online. The most promising example so far is forecasting energy usage from data. Continuing to look for further examples that more closely reflect the nature of our project.
  • Week 6: All present. DB task has been shifted for a data creation tool. A general, randomly generated item and subsequent quantity program has been made. With concerns on how well it will model real world needs, a simulated model of a store is now in the works. This will include things such as weather, holidays, and an average item use that is modified by the two “events”. This will go day by day and modify average item use for the day with weather conditions and holidays. Certain holidays see an increase in traffic and certain weather events may see a decrease in traffic. However, there are weather events that bring more people into the stores. These include snow, sleet, etc. that could shut down roads for a time. Once an item gets close to being depleted, it will need to consider shipping time and order before it runs out. Emergency orders could become a thing with this system.
    Frontend – Design is done. Current task is implementation.
    ML – I was able to narrow our ML pipeline to Tensorflow 2 library and the Keras framework. We will have to separate our data by store first then export the data from the database to a csv file. Using we can use the timestamp on the order date to create time series data and then Tensorflow/Keras will handle the prediction from that. It is a little more complicated then some examples I’ve seen so far because we have to actually predict two separate values; the item and the quantity. I am not sure if it would be more efficient to do both predictions at once or if two separate prediction processes will be needed.
  • Week 8: All present.
    Kyle update: I am pretty confident I have the ML strategy figured out for the data that will be generated. Once we have the generation tool finalized I will be able to start coding the ML. For now I am shifting my focus to preparing our report/presentation that will primarily focus on the data generation tool. I can also assist on any tweaks to the tool if needed.
    Data gen tool: For the most part this is done. Additions that are being added is weather adjustments to traffic and a module to export the generated data to excel for the ML model to use. Could be interesting to see if any changes occur in the data. The next addition would be to insert more variability that cannot be accounted in weather or holiday data.
    Web Page update:
  • Week 10:All present.
    Maggie: Currently teaming up with George and Abby to work on the front end of the project. Trying to get the project to run locally on my device and setting up pages stemming from main page
    Kyle:ML Update 4/5 — Created a Google Colab to run the ML Python code. So far I have set up the proper imports needed for the project and worked on the program outline. Currently, I am working on importing the data via csv importing using keras based on some examples I’ve seen. Next, I will store the imported data into tensors and organize it into time series data to prepare it for being processed by Tensorflow.
    Josh: Currently I am working on a visual interface for the data generator. Additions to the data generators calculations may also happen.
    George: Current task is using django to route the buttons on the main page and also setting up log in credentials
    Abby: Working on login functionality.
  • Week 12: All present
    ML-Machine model is complete and working on a pipe-lined implementation to go from data generator to predictive ordering generated by the ML.
    Webpage – Integration with DB to host files generated by the data generator and predictive planner.


Task Assigned Start Due Description



Task Date Completed Comments Completed By
Design DB 1/29 The design is done and dummy versions are implemented. Awaiting meeting with Walmart to see where the appropriate column headers go. Josh
Design Front-End 2/7 Have the foundation ready for what needs to be done to design the front-end structure. Layout and everything completed. Abigail, George, Margaret
Integrate Heroku to Github  2/11 Successfully have a working console and integration with Heroku to Github. DB may be moved over to Postgres instead. George
Front End Design 2/15 Power Point design of front end complete. Will be used and changed if needed. Margaret
Research ML 3/7 Kyle
Implement Data Generator 3/7 The initial generator is complete. It finds an average for the store and then tracks holiday occurrences. Josh, Maggie
 Main Page Code 3/7 Implemented main page and layout. Abby, George
 Export generated data to excel  3/11 Data generated needs to be in an easily readable format for the ML Josh
Weather Module for Data Gen 3/11 Add weather modification to data gen. Maggie
Page Routing 3/23  Success routed predictive planning page to through Django George
 Django  3/28 Familiarize self with Django and transferred over to it from Flask  George
Implement ML 4/15 Coding the Machine Learning Kyle
Testing ML 4/15 Testing accuracy of model Kyle
Tweak ML 4/15 Refining how the data is derived Kyle
Django Documentation 4/5 Went over django documentation Maggie, Abby
About Us Design 4/11 Completed about us page design Maggie
Generate Data Design 4/11 Completed generate data page design George
Order History Design 4/11 Completed order history design Abby
Login/Security 4/12 Created log in credentials for users, and brush up on more security for the website and set login database Abby, Maggie, George
Django routing to all pages 4/6 All pages routed George
Local database 4/13 Localized database completed George
Pipeline (ML and DG) 4/22 Connect the data generator to the machine learning for streamlined use Josh and Kyle
Cleaning of DG code 4/23 Remove useless print statements and any not used code Josh
Documentation: ML 4/23 Documentation regarding operation of the ML code Kyle
Documentation: Data Generator 4/23 Documentation regarding how the data generator creates the data given the inputs provided Josh
Connect backend to frontend 4/25 Connect data gen and machine learning to website Abby, Maggie, George
Prepare Website 5/5 Linking the necessary items to the wordpress site. All